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Node Toolbar ​

This is a toolbar component for Vue Flow. It can be used to create a floating Toolbar next to your nodes. You can either display the Toolbar by setting the visibility prop or automatically showing the Toolbar on selected nodes.

Installation ​

yarn add @vue-flow/node-toolbar

# or
npm install @vue-flow/node-toolbar

Usage ​

<script setup>
import { VueFlow } from '@vue-flow/core'
import initialNodes from './initialNodes'

// some nodes and edges
const nodes = ref(initialNodes)

  <VueFlow :nodes="nodes">
    <template #node-custom="nodeProps">
      <CustomNode :data="" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { Handle, Position } from '@vue-flow/core'
import { NodeToolbar } from '@vue-flow/node-toolbar'

interface NodeData {
  toolbarVisible: boolean
  toolbarPosition: Position

interface Props {
  data: NodeData
  label: string


  <NodeToolbar :is-visible="data.toolbarVisible" :position="data.toolbarPosition">

  <Handle type="target" :position="Position.Left" />
  <Handle type="source" :position="Position.Right" />

Props ​

nodeIdNode(s) the toolbar is supposed to be attached tostring arraytrueNodeId from context
isVisibleForce visibility of toolbarbooleantrueSelected node
positionToolbar position (top, left, right, bottom)PositiontrueTop
offsetOffset of toolbar positionnumbertrue10

Slots ​

defaultDefault toolbar slot for any content

Released under the MIT License.